Tartine breakfast

tar·tine (tär-tēn′) n. A French open-faced sandwich, especially one with a rich or fancy spread.   Rich or fancy spread, that is the question here. I tend to go with fancy and colorful. And most important of all: Tartine sounds nice (better than bread breakfast). You will find lots of varieties of tartine bread or sandwiches…

Bread pudding, the other way

Some of my dear readers might have noticed already: I enjoy selecting themes for my recipes. Lately, I posted two new albums to my Facebook page: One with breakfasts from around the world and the other one with lunch ideas (https://www.facebook.com/fourchetteknife). I will write more about another one soon (muffin challenge – stay tuned). Today’s…

Getting to know: Spencer and his 30 day bread roll challenge

Dear readers, You might be wondering what all those food challenges are about that I have been posting on lately. Let me tell you: They are about doing something unusual once in a while and I am tempted to start a poll for what kind of challenge I should talk about next. Any crazy ideas,…

Vegan bread soup

We are almost halfway through with our Vegan challenge, yupiiieee! I can tell you, there are days when it ain`t that easy, especially for me as a cheese lover. And for my taste soy yoghurt doesn`t perfectly match regular yoghurt. But hey, we are doing this for a reason and I have to say that…

Bread pudding

Dear blog readers, I am very sorry for my abstinence. Today is the last day in August and I am posting my first entry of this month. Summer time is vacation time and I spent mine on the beautiful US West Coast. Our camping meals turned out very simple and we only had sporadic internet…

Indian Naan bread

It’s Friday and I am sending you something tasty for the weekend. In Southeast Asia we learnt that Indian food is very popular despite the strong presence of Chinese food. I have good memories of what I got to taste back then. After weeks of Pad Thai and Chinese noodles there is nothing better than…

A propos: Salad dressing and croutons

A plain green salad can be a little boring. To make it a more tasty affair, a nice dressing and croutons are your essentials (home-made, of course!). Basic salad dressing Ingredients 5 table spoons of olive oil (the better the oil quality, the tastier your dressing, brand example: Bertolli) 3 table spoons of vinegar (my…