How to make your own chilli seasoning

When it comes to the selection of ingredients for my recipes I like to be picky. One reason is food quality. If you use the cheapest ingredients and artificial flavors it will be hard to create a genuine taste. Food stimulates your senses and therefore saving on your ingredients might not be the best decision….

A propos: 2 things you can do with a banana slicer

Cooking is fun and like anything in life we shouldn’t always be too serious about what we do. That’s why I want to introduce you to a cooking tool today, which you might or might not be impressed with. Banana slicers might seem like an extremely useful or useless tool, that’s up to you, but I…

Hand-made pesto, watch this!

Bigge-di-blog, blog, blog. As a blogger I spend quite some time on pages like and, always in the search of new recipes, DIY ideas or just some stunning pictures people out in this world get to see through their lenses. Today I found an exotic, yet so simple presentation of a recipe, here…

It’s pumpkin time!

October is the time of the year when you start noticing the yellow, green and orange glow of pumpkins in the fruit & veggie stands of grocery stores and farmer’s markets. Not only do pumpkins look nice but they are also a healthy companion. I made a Chinese stir fry with pumpkin the other day…

A propos: How to make curd cheese (German Quark)

Being in the US sometimes confronts me with certain ‘food shortages’. These days you find a huge variety of international food in the grocery stores but some of my favorites and essentials do not exist. The most recent shortage I came across is curd cheese (similar to cream cheese but not as rich and in…

A propos: How to decant your wine in 30 seconds

Maybe you know this situation: You have invited guests for a dinner party and distracted by all the cooking & preparation tumult you forget to open the bottle of red wine in time. I assume you also prefer to drink red wine with a nice aroma, so preferably you should open the bottle a minimum…

A propos: How to peel garlic

I always love it when other people show me how they cook and what tricks they know. Over Christmas and New Year’s I traveled around Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic and I came back with some good new ideas. Yesterday, my boyfriend came up with something extremely useful. I could almost not believe my…

A propos: Salad dressing and croutons

A plain green salad can be a little boring. To make it a more tasty affair, a nice dressing and croutons are your essentials (home-made, of course!). Basic salad dressing Ingredients 5 table spoons of olive oil (the better the oil quality, the tastier your dressing, brand example: Bertolli) 3 table spoons of vinegar (my…

A propos: My new category on useful kitchen tips

Bonjour mes amis, I spent the last days cooking a lot with friends that were visiting us here in France and just as I was looking at how I could process some of the leftovers, I actually thought about a new and useful category. From now on, I will present you under A propos small…