Getting to know: Copenhagen food inspirations

Last weekend was a hit. We spent the weekend in Copenhagen. Best part about it: Apart from the flight, the Airbnb apartment and a few recommendations of friends, we had nothing planned. Blank agenda that got filled with great impressions. We started out with a guided bike tour with Bike Mike (a curiosity in a…

Malaysian Assam Laksa

Malaysians like their laksa soup. We would most likely call it a  noodle soup, yet I would argue that laksa has a quite distinct taste because of the spices added to it. Little did I know that there were different types of laksa until I travelled to Borneo this winter. To me, the traditional laksa version…

Cambodian Amok

The motto of Fourchette & Knife is culinaria from around the world. Lately, I have noticed that I tend to post a lot of European recipes and I am neglecting a little bit all the great meals we got to taste during our 4 months backpacking trip to Asia and other beautiful spots with good…